Summer 2011 AU Costa Rica Study Abroad Immersion Experience

8:40 AM
Thirteen A.U. students studied at Conversa Centro Linguístico in Santa Ana, Costa Rica for 4, 6 or 8 weeks. Students participated in a linguistic and cultural immersion experience by studying Spanish for six hours each day, living with a family, and participating in cultural excursion.  Three education majors also participated in a 2-week field experience in an elementary school.

Left to Right:  Miriah, Nicole, Curt, Calley, Kendall, James, Da'Vell, Josh, Rachel, Susie, Tiffany (behind), Camille, Christina.

View our slide show to gain a better insight of our time in Costa Rica.

Left to Right:  Curt, James, Susie, Tiffany, Rachel on an excursion to the Poas Volcano.
Da'Vell enjoying the fresh fruit of Costa Rica!
Nicole and James studying in the hammock lounge.
The following students participated in the Summer 2011 Costa Rica Study Abroad experience:

4 weeks:       Tiffany Baker

Joshua Bates

Curt Cunning

Rachel Jenney

Christina Neely

James Robinson

Kendall Sánchez

Da’Vell Winters

6 weeks:       Nicole Buhr

Susana Strobel

                        Camille Talarico      


8 weeks:       Miriah Keller
                                    Calley Taylor

For more information, contact:
Dr. Barbara Schmidt-Rinehart
Program Coordinator
214 Bixler

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