FL Dept. Recognizes outstanding teacher - William Cummins!

10:37 AM

The Department of Foreign Languages would like to congratulate Professor William Cummins for being one of the three semi finalists for AU’s Taylor Teaching Award.
Professor Cummins excels in all areas of teaching and epitomizes A.U.’s original mission of putting the accent on the individual.
First and foremost, Dr. Cummins is a challenging and supportive professor. He holds his students to high standards while providing support that allows them to be successful. Dr. Cummins’ level of preparation for classes and reflection afterwards is truly exceptional.  He spends an extraordinary amount of time meticulously planning out each step in order to guide the students appropriately towards the goals of the course. He generates most of his own materials and is constantly revising them. His organizational skills and attention to detail are unparalleled.

Dr. Cummins puts students first – and dedicates his time and energy to assure their success. He sets extremely high standards for himself in the area of teaching and lives up to them each and every day.

We applaud you, Professor Cummins, and recognize your excellence in teaching!

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